Golfer's Paradise
Deep Tissue Massage + Spa Reflexology

Introducing our Golfer’s Paradise wellness package. If you are an avid golfer, you know that golf takes a toll on your body. The golf swing, with its synchronized contortions, exerts a lot of pressure on your frame. That is where our Golfer’s Paradise treatment comes in to enhance your range of mobility and provide much-needed relief.

Leg Massage

Customized Treatment for Golfers

The Golfer’s Paradise package offers a customized treatment tailored specifically to address the demands of golfers. It includes a 60-minute deep tissue massage that targets contracted muscles and decreases tension with trigger point therapy. This massage will help you relax and alleviate any muscle stiffness or soreness.

Spa Reflexology for Hands and Feet

To complete your experience, enjoy 30 minutes of spa reflexology focusing on your hands and feet. Reflexology works on the network of nerve endings and pressure points connected to the rest of your body, promoting relaxation and balance.

Price: $330.00 (90min)

Treat yourself to the Golfer’s Paradise wellness package at Ocean Day Spa in Jupiter, FL. Allow our skilled therapists to enhance your mobility, relieve muscle tension, and restore your body’s harmony. Book your Jupiter or Nantucket Vacation Wellness Package today for the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation.